Christian Science: The Religion of Love


Gordon V. Comer, C.S.B., of Denver, Colorado

Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church,

The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts


Gordon V. Comer, C.S.B., of Denver, lectured on "Christian Science: The Religion of Love” Monday evening in the Murat theatre under the auspices of six Churches of Christ, Science. The speaker was introduced by Frank C. Ayres.


We may not always understand the words which another speaks, but if there is love in his expression, a warmth of feeling in his hand clasp, or tenderness and understanding in his manner, we never fail to understand these.

How well the apostle Paul saw that without charity or love, all gifts are as nothing. You are all familiar with his beautifully phrased words at the beginning of the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal" (I. Cor. 13:1) And true it is that without love in his heart a man's words are empty and meaningless; it is equally true that without love of one's work, and without love in one's work, great ability may produce but mediocre success. It is not an easy matter to define love.

Henry Timrod, a poet of the 19th century, has written:


"Most men know love but as a part of life;

They hide it in some corner of the breast,

Even from themselves."


True love cannot be like that. It is not just an incidental part of life. Nor can true love be hidden away to be brought forth only according to the whim of the one who thinks that he possesses it. True love is not a personal quality, because the apostle John has said that "God is Love". (I John 4:8) Therefore, all that is really love is the expression of God.

Mary Baker Eddy

Never has anyone, since the days of Christ Jesus, more clearly expressed true Love than did Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. And that is why people in almost every land are grateful to her. They have felt the warmth of true love which is expressed in her writings, and have been blessed and healed by it.

At a time of great desperation, when the doctors believed that an accident she had had would prove fatal, a beautiful glimpse of God as Love was revealed to her, and she was immediately healed. Of this revelation, and the resulting healing, Mrs. Eddy has written, "The miracles recorded in the Bible, which had before seemed to me supernatural, grew divinely natural and apprehensible; though uninspired interpreters ignorantly pronounce Christ's healing miraculous, instead of seeing therein the operation of the divine law." (Ret. 26:12) In her book Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy explains the part that spiritual discernment played in bringing about her own healing. She writes, "Truth, spiritually discerned, is scientifically understood. It casts out error and heals the sick." (Science and Health, p. 275:31) It was this vision which helped her to see what Paul meant when he wrote that neither death nor life nor anything else can separate us from the love of God. And it was this spiritual sense of things which led her to declare as the doctrine of Christian Science that "divine Love cannot be deprived of its manifestation, or object." (ibid., p. 304:9).

The creation of divine Love cannot be other than perfect; man then must express or include perfect health, perfect freedom, abundant happiness, and limitless good. Because it is the nature of divine Love to express itself in infinite giving, Mrs. Eddy had to share her revelation with the world. Without this right sense of the universal and infinite nature of divine Love, she could not have been the revelator of Christian Science. Divine Love and its perfect and spontaneous expression can never be severed. They are inseparable, that is, divine Love as perfect and only cause cannot be separated from its perfect expression, or perfect effect. In this sense they are one. Mrs. Eddy has written (My., p. 185:16) that "Life is the spontaneity of Love, inseparable from Love". Or we might put the same thought in another way and say that Life is the infinite and ceaseless activity of divine Love. That is what true being is. Is it not then easy to understand that this right view of creation — this Christianly scientific view of creation — of man, will restore health, harmony, and perfect good to all who honestly seek it?

Christian Science reveals the wholeness — the allness of Deity, the motherhood as well as the fatherhood of God, and it reveals Christ as the perfect expression of this divine allness. It shows that the Christ actuated the very being of Jesus, and that Jesus was the highest concept of Christ cognizable to human eyes. It was Jesus' recognition of man's spiritual, perfect nature which enabled him to do his wonderful healing work — healing work which appeared miraculous to the people, but which, in the light of the divinely revealed truth of Christian Science, is shown to be the natural result of the operation of God's law. And further, Christian Science reveals that this divine healing law is as present today as it was in the days of the Master.

"Elias Must First Come"

In the record of the transfiguration (Matt. 17), Peter, James, and John his brother, inspired and spiritually illuminated by their Master's presence, saw Jesus talking with Moses and Elias. While in that presence, they heard the voice of God confirm prophecy by saying of Jesus, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (II Pet. 1:17) Many years later, Peter wrote that he was an eyewitness of the transfiguration, and that "this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount." (v. 18). As they came down from the mountain — that is, as they came down from their exalted experience — they asked Jesus why the scribes said that "Elias must first come." Jesus replied that "Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things." And he said further that "Elias is come already." Doubtless Jesus was endeavoring to help his disciples see that the Christ, or Saviour, when glimpsed by human consciousness, restores the realization of the nothingness of all which is unlike good — the realization of the allness of infinite good.

Mrs. Eddy presents this saving office of the Christ-Science which she named Christian Science, in her definition of "Elias" as "Prophecy; spiritual evidence opposed to material sense; Christian Science, with which can be discerned the spiritual fact of whatever the material senses behold; the basis of immortality" (S&H 585:9) It is the purpose of Christian Science to enable mankind to discern "the spiritual fact of whatever the material senses behold." Is the word "whatever" duly impressed upon our thoughts? Mrs. Eddy does not say the spiritual fact of some things, but of all things. That does not leave one thing out. It does not leave out the most tremendous problem we can think of, nor does it leave out the most insignificant. It does not leave out the problem which right now you believe is plaguing you. No matter what the problem or the suggestion is, Christian Science rightly applied will reveal the spiritual fact — the saving idea — the Saviour, or the Christ, and this right idea accepted, and held to, destroys all that is unlike itself.

How Is Healing Accomplished?

Here one may ask: But how do I go about finding the spiritual facts that I need to solve my problem in Christian Science?

Perhaps an illustration will help to point the way for us. A sculptor was once asked how he could take a plain block of stone and make a beautiful statue out of it. He replied simply: "I just cut away the stone I don't want, and there is my statue." His reply would seem to indicate that he had clearly seen in his thought the perfect object which he wished to depict, and when he chiseled away all that interfered with the perfect outline, only the beautiful statue remained. And so it will be with us. If we will turn to God to find the perfect model and then will cut away, or better stated, separate from our thought of man, or from the universe, all that does not express the perfection of God, or Spirit, only the spiritual fact will remain. Does this sound difficult? It should not. We should not be concerned because we cannot outline the spiritual fact materially. If it could be materially outlined, it would cease to be spiritual and eternally perfect.

We agree then with the adversary quickly when he suggests that we cannot outline materially a perfect creation, because we know that there is no such thing as matter, perfect or otherwise. But we do not stop there. We declare that when we have separated from our thought of man, and from the universe, all that is not Godlike, nothing remains but the spiritual fact.

In this process we do not carve out perfect man — the perfect man is already expressed where the imperfection appears to be. But as we look to our perfect model and then cut away or separate from our human concept all that is unlike God, or good, the true likeness — the Christ-idea — is revealed to us. The imperfections are not in the man of God's creating nor are they any part of this man. The imperfections are in the seer, and not in the seen. They are subjective and not objective. We do not see imperfect man, for there is no such thing as an imperfect man. We may see man imperfectly. But the imperfection is in the way we see him and not in the man himself. It makes a great difference to us in the results we realize whether or not we accept this fact.

An Illustration

The value of knowing and beholding the perfect man of God's creating is illustrated in the experience of a Christian Scientist who walked into a room where there was a very sick person. Instantly this thought came to the Christian Scientist: "Thank God that what material sense tells me is true here, is not the truth about man. Divine Love's ever-presence excludes presence to all that is unlike itself." And at that moment recovery began and continued until the healing was complete.

What had happened? Simply this: The Christian Scientist had refused to accept as true that which material sense suggested. He had refused to individualize the belief by becoming a believer in it. We need not be told that a belief must have someone to believe in it before it can be even a belief. We know that. But unfortunately it is not always remembered.

Sickness is only a belief, and the moment the Christian Scientist refused to accept its suggestion, the suggestion had no power whatsoever. His understanding of divine Love's ever-presence was so clear and his alertness to divine Principle so spontaneous that the suggestion of divine Love's absence was not accepted by him. But how did this help the sick person? He felt the warmth of love in the Christian Scientist's thought; his fear lessened; and therefore he was receptive to the truth that makes free even though it was declared inaudibly.

One who had the great privilege of class instruction with Mrs. Eddy has written that as she thinks back through the years she knew our Leader she always feels that the secret of Mrs. Eddy's great achievements was her boundless spirit of love for all mankind. And she quotes her recollection of the statement Mrs. Eddy made in explanation of the method of her healing work in the following words: "I saw the love of God encircling the universe and man, filling all space, and that divine Love so permeated my own consciousness that I loved with Christlike compassion every thing I saw. This realization of divine Love called into expression 'the beauty of holiness, the perfection of being' (Science and Health, p. 253), which healed, and regenerated, and saved all who turned to me for help". ("We Knew Mary Baker Eddy" [First Series] p. 74)

When we too can see the love of God encircling all and can love everything we see with Christlike compassion, we shall bring into expression the "beauty of holiness" and the "perfection of being" which heal and save.

Does it occur to you that there must be some great secret to such effective healing method? There isn't. It is as simple as we have told you. Any conscientious student of the Bible and of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy can quickly gain the light which will reveal the truth to him.

Christian Scientists do not have, as a few people may ignorantly believe, a Bible of their own, except in the sense that they would not be without one of their own. But the Bible Christian Scientists use is the long loved King James version which almost all Protestant peoples have known for generations upon generations. There is a copy of it in almost every home, and Science and Health may be obtained at all Christian Science Reading Rooms and at most public libraries. And with these, a most helpful aid is the Christian Science Quarterly which contains our weekly lessons. Christian Scientists appreciate the great value of regular morning study of their Bible Lessons. The spiritual light thrown upon the Scriptures by the textbook of Christian Science brings inspiration, strength, discernment, healing, and an ability to exceed one's ordinary human capacities. There is no work which one can be given to do that cannot be done better if his thought is lifted to God as Love, and God as All, before he leaves his home for his work each morning.

Mrs. Eddy Points Way to Universal Salvation Through True Church

By acknowledging that God is divine Love, Christian Science points the way to universal salvation. The great value of Christian Science is recognized in the healing of sickness and of sin. But the healing of sickness is only a small part of the potential value of this Science of true being. Christian Science is the true and complete way to the happy and full life. And unless this is realized one is not experiencing its full benefits.

In addition to the wonderful blessings that Christian Science has brought to mankind in the healing of sickness, sin, and lack, the world is just beginning to appreciate the tremendous contribution to the sum total of human good which Mrs. Eddy's revelation of church is bringing. Are you familiar with her definition of Church? She writes that it is "The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle. The Church is that institution, which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas and the demonstration of divine Science, thereby casting out devils, or error, and healing the sick." (S&H p. 583:12-19).

The Absolute and Its Application to the Human

This definition is particularly interesting and especially helpful to beginners in the study of Christian Science, as well as to more advanced students, for the reason that it points out in its first part the absolute facts regarding true Church. And in the second part, it points out the human or relative function or office of Church, by which we mean the application of the absolute and eternally true concept of Church, to the relative situations or footsteps in human experience which lead to perfection. If we wish to understand and be able to apply Christian Science successfully, it is extremely important that we distinguish clearly between the absolute and its application to the human, i.e., between the wholly spiritual and the so-called material.

When we learn from our study of Christian Science that man is perfect because he reflects God who is infinite perfection, it means to us and rightly so, that God's man is never sick, for sickness is no part of God. That is an absolutely true statement of Christian Science. When on the other hand we read in the Christian Science textbook that God heals sickness and sin and lack, do we have an inconsistency confronting us? No, not at all. The first states the absolute truth; the second pertains to the application of the absolute to the human experience, by which the sick are healed. One will find that there is not the slightest conflict as he continues his study of our textbook.

"The power of God," Mrs. Eddy has told us, "brings deliverance to the captive. No power can withstand divine Love." (ibid., 224:29-31) This means that as one realizes divine Love's all-presence, everything that is unlike good begins to vanish, for the very simple reason that as one accepts Truth as God and as All, he begins to withdraw his support from error. And when error is no longer supported by "fear, ignorance, or sin" which Mrs. Eddy gives in her textbook "Science and Health with .Key to the Scriptures" as the "procuring cause and foundation of all sickness," (ibid., 411: 20-21), it falls of its own weight and relapses into its own native nothingness.

And so, with Church, Christian Science teaches that the absolute truth about it is realized as the steps relating to the human application and demonstration of it are taken and proved. The understanding of true Church, as revealed by Mrs. Eddy, offers the way of universal salvation. It shows man as coexistent and coeternal with God, and that only as we realize this truth about Church can we realize complete salvation for ourselves. This true view of Church makes plain that one can never withdraw himself or separate himself from the true Church while beholding man as he really is, for all exists as a part of the one divine consciousness, or Soul, or God. This view of Church is the Church of Love triumphant, the Church of universal salvation, the Church of which Christ is the corner stone. It fulfills the admonition of the Master, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils." (Matt. 10:8)

Right Concept of Prayer

This true concept of Church is an essential part of healing prayer.

The first chapter in the textbook of Christian Science opens with these words: "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, — a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love." (1:1-4) It is love derived from Principle just as integrity is derived from Principle; and because it is a quality of Principle, it is not a personal possession, but is expressed by all of God's children impartially. A God-bestowed sense of love realizes the importance of Jesus' statement: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt. 6:33)

It is only as we see the universal family of man saved that we fully realize individual salvation. Christian Science teaches individual salvation through prayer. But individual salvation is realized for ourselves only as we begin to see man as the compound idea of God — of divine and infinite Love. And therefore is it not clear that we cannot get into the kingdom of heaven ourselves without relinquishing our imperfect human concept of our brother, as well as of ourselves, for divine Love's perfect concept. Individual man cannot isolate himself from generic man, or the family of men.

In this same chapter on "Prayer," Mrs. Eddy writes: '"Dost thou 'love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind'? This command includes much, even the surrender of all merely material sensation, affection, and worship. This is the El Dorado of Christianity." (9:17-21) If "the El Dorado of Christianity" is to love God with the all of our very being, then obviously the very substance or essence of our real being is love. Love for God most certainly would include love for His every act and for all that expresses Him. Man is the highest concept of this divine expression. In the words of our Leader, "Let mortals bow before the creator, and, looking through Love's transparency, behold man in God's own image and likeness." (Mis. 330:15-17)

This does not mean that all mankind must be healed and saved before one can realize healing or salvation for himself. It merely means that we must begin to see man as he is revealed in the first chapter of Genesis, complete and perfect. When we do this, we have started truly to love man. It is the view of man through "Love's transparency" which evidences the surrender on our part of all "material sensation, affection, and worship." (Science and Health p. 9:20) This is true and scientific prayer. It is based upon perfect God and perfect man, and that is where right thought and right action must rest.

Owe No Man Anything but To Love One Another

True and scientific prayer helps us to see what Paul meant when he said to "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another." (Rom. 13:8) We cannot truly love one another until we begin to see man as the child of divine Love.

Perhaps we have not thought so very much about what we owe our debtors. They owe us, we think. But if we ourselves are to owe no man any thing but to love one another, we owe even our debtors something. And that something cannot be withheld until the material debt is paid. It is the debt we owe to all men. It is to know the individual man as God knows him. And the debt is due now. In our dealings with others, are we endeavoring to cut away, or to separate from our concept of man all that is not Godlike? If we are, then we can truly say we are loving him.

Sacrament and Atonement

These facts are emphasized for us every six months in the Christian Science Lesson-Sermons on "Sacrament" and "Doctrine of Atonement." "Sacrament," Christian Science teaches, is the expression of allegiance to God as the result of individual overcoming of evil, while "Atonement" is shown to be collective as well as individual. In her book "Miscellaneous Writings," Mrs. Eddy answers the question (p. 96) "Do I believe in the atonement of Christ?" in these words: "I do; and this atonement becomes more to me since it includes man's redemption from sickness as well as from sin. I reverence and adore Christ as never before. It brings to my sense, and to the sense of all who entertain this understanding of the Science of God, a whole salvation."

"Sacrament" is that mental preparedness which enables one to see and to recognize true Church. It is that progressive step which reveals atonement, or man's at-one-ment with God, and this at-one-ment includes the true idea of Church, and it reveals man as he really is — as divine Love reveals him. And individual man, the individual expression of divine Love, is the very truth about your individual selfhood, the real and only you.

Does the Way Seem Difficult to You?

Does mortal mind sometimes suggest to you that the way of salvation which Christian Science points out is too hard? If so, do you answer: Can anything be half as difficult as it is to put up with error? Of course Christian Science demands something of us. It does not offer us something for nothing, but something for something. Yes, it is the Comforter, and to achieve that comfort and consolation, we have to contribute what every one has to give — honesty, purity, sincerity, humility, receptivity, gratitude, and such simple Godlike qualities, which every individual expresses.

And so listen not to discouragement if it comes. Listen not to the suggestion that Christian Science may be all right for those who know enough, but that possibly you do not know enough. If you are honest and sincere, your present understanding, no matter how little it may seem, is sufficient to guide you to take the right steps in solving your present problem. Jesus said, "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." (Mark 11:24) Declare this; hold to it; and yield not to the temptation to believe otherwise. It is error, and only error, which would suggest that your present understanding is not adequate to face the very situation which confronts you.

We should be able to see that fear is at the bottom of most of mankind's difficulties; and this being so, it is fear which always should first be resisted in one's thinking and destroyed. Why is this? Simply because if one begins to see the unreality of fear, he is well on the way to seeing the unreality of the whole devilish suggestion, no matter what it may be. But it should be remembered that fear is not overcome by ignoring the evil suggestion. It is conquered by intelligent handling — by seeing, as John tells us, that "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear." (I John 4:18)

How does perfect Love cast out fear? It does it just as light casts out darkness. All the light needs to do in order to cast out darkness is just to be light. And so it is that all perfect Love needs to do in order to cast out fear is just to be love. And all we need to do to cast it out is to express our true being. If there is no fear in divine Love, there is no fear in its idea. And man is this idea. Man cannot have anything, nor can he express anything which is not like Love, for he is the very expression of Love.

Love Never Fails

At the beginning of this lecture, I quoted from the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians. Another thought from this beautiful message reads: "Charity (or love) never faileth." It is comforting and most strengthening for one to know that divine Love never fails. Then it makes no difference what the situation may be, there can be no failure where Love is present. And there is no place where divine Love is not. How do we realize divine Love's ever-presence? We separate from our sense of man and from creation all that is not Godlike — all that is not good in the highest and truest sense, and only divine Love's infinite ever-presence remains.

Can we not begin to see, as we consider this question, what it means to love one's way out of difficulties? There is no way other than Love's way to resolve troublesome problems into their own nothingness. And all difficulties, if they are to be rightly and permanently met, must be seen as nothing. Mrs. Eddy tells us that we "must find error to be nothing: then, and only then, do (we) handle it in Science". (Mis. 334:16-18)

The teaching of Christian Science is very clear regarding the handling of error. Error of any kind is not to be tolerated. Anyone who thinks he can toy along with error or sin and at the same time relieve himself of all the painful effects of them is badly mistaken. In Miscellaneous Writings (14:29) Mrs. Eddy writes, "The Science of Truth annihilates error, deprives evil of all power, and thereby destroys all error, sin, sickness, disease, and death. But the sinner is not sheltered from suffering from sin; he makes a great reality of evil, identifies himself with it, fancies he finds pleasure in it, and will reap what he sows; hence the sinner must endure the effects of his delusion until he awakes from it." It is only by seeing error and sin as nothing — as without power to harm or to bless, to annoy or to satisfy, to mesmerize or to glamorize — that we begin to avail ourselves of the freedom, of the peace, and the harmony which the realization of the all-presence of divine Love brings.

Had Mrs. Eddy given to humanity nothing more than the spiritual meaning of Love as a synonym for God, she would have rightly earned an everlasting debt of gratitude. Can anyone reasonably doubt that there is a divine, altogether loving One, an infinite power, which maintains the rhythm of the universe? Can anyone deny this when he sees that, in spite of the frailties, the selfishness, the inconsistencies, the stupidities of mankind, the universe continues to unfold to the benighted eyes of mortals a beauty so magnificent, an order so completely scientific, a law so inexorably right in every way that even the darkened eyes of mortals cannot help but see and acknowledge something of it? What wonders will be wrought before human eyes as there is more general recognition of God as divine Love!

Isaiah tells us that "the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save". (Isa. 59:1) Divine Love's presence is ever at hand. Will we open our thoughts to it? In a world where divine Love's ever-presence so very much needs to be recognized, are we going to be alert enough to challenge indifference, resistance to Truth, and hatred for it which mortal mind suggests as our own thinking? Surely everyone wants Truth, but not every one recognizes what is true.

What Is Truth?

The question "What is truth?" continues to baffle mankind. Just as it did Pilate when Jesus stood before him in the Judgment Hall. Is the failure to answer it — is the acceptance of the suggestion that one cannot understand Truth, cannot see it, — is this the result of one's own thinking? No. It is not. It is not one's own thinking at all. It is projected thought which comes from a material sense of things and which would rob us of our perfect freedom. It arises from that same mist of which we read in the second chapter of Genesis and which obscured, and would still obscure, if allowed to remain unchallenged, true creation. This obscuration will remain only until spiritual sense penetrates it — sees right through it and discerns true creation.

The misrepresentation, the distortion, the caricature of creation arises from the mist. It depends upon material sense to support it and to accept its suggestion. Material sense suggests that you can see what it suggests, taste it, smell, feel, or hear it. But the same false sense which thinks it sees formed that which it sees. It sees what it thinks. It gives form to its own beliefs and then becomes the abject slave of them.

One cannot know error. One may be fooled into believing it. But one can never know it, or be truly conscious of it. Only that which is true — that which is capable of eternal and unchanging proof — can be known. There is but one true consciousness — even God or Soul; and Soul, a synonym for God, cannot and does not know its unlikeness. It knows only that which expresses, or is comprised in its own infinite consciousness.

A Summary

As we near the end of our hour, let us make a brief summary of the thoughts we have considered. Our work is not to carve out of matter perfect man. It is not to make a perfect man out of an imperfect one. It is to see man through "Love's transparency" and separate from our sense of man, and creation, all that does not express divine Love. "Love's work and Love must fit," (Hymnal 52) one of our hymns tells us. It must necessarily be so, for divine Love or God, is All, and all that truly exists expresses this divine Love or God. Herein Love's work and Love do fit, for they are coexistent.

If then mortal mind suggests to you that it is for you to carve out of matter the perfect man, refuse to be a witness to this suggestion, because you know that the lie or suggestion is the father of itself, and unrelated to God or man. Keep before you the words of the Master: "In your patience," (i.e., while the Christ-idea is unfolding to human consciousness) "possess ye your souls" (i.e., possess, or hold fast to the perfect assurances of divine Love's spiritual sense of infinite and changeless perfection). (See Luke 21:19)

It is in this way that "Love's transparency" reveals true being. This transparency becomes clear to those who begin to comprehend — to understand God as Love. One of the great Beatitudes reads: "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." (Matt. 5:8) With the light of spiritual understanding thrown upon it, we can see that blessed are they who are beginning to understand God as Love, for they shall see the expression of Love everywhere. And so if mortal mind suggests that you are sick bodily, or that you are seeing sickness expressed economically, socially, domestically, nationally, or internationally, "Maintain” as Mrs. Eddy writes (S&H 417:10-14) “the facts of Christian Science, — that Spirit is God, and therefore cannot be sick; that what is termed matter cannot be sick; that all causation is Mind, acting through spiritual law."

What does it mean to “Maintain the facts of Christian Science?” It simply means to hold to the view of God and man which we gain through "Love's transparency" — the view of man which remains after we separate from him all that is unlike good. With this view comes the realization that "matter cannot be sick," for matter is seen as nothing, a false claimant without origin or cause, for God, or divine Love, is the only cause. Sickness has neither place nor location, for divine Love's ever-presence leaves no place for its unlikeness. Sickness is without support of law, for divine Love — divine Principle or God — is the only lawmaker. Sickness is without any element of time at which it started, through which it continues, or with which it ends, for the eternality of divine Love is a law of annihilation to all of mortal mind's material measurements. Sickness is without effect, for the law of infinite, divine Love maintains only that which is like divine Love.

Mrs. Eddy concludes the statement which I quoted just a moment ago with these words: "Then hold your ground with the unshaken understanding of Truth and Love, and you will win." (ibid., 417:14-16) Mary Baker Eddy proved the truth of this statement for herself and she proved it for countless others.

Her divine revelation, Christian Science, has enabled an untold number to do the same for themselves. And you can prove for yourself that if you maintain the facts of Christian Science, if you recognize no other cause or effect but divine Truth and Love, if you hold your ground — that is, if you keep faith unshaken and hold to the divine facts of being unwaveringly, you will win — you will prove that Love never fails.


[Delivered Jan. 7, 1946, in the Murat Theatre in Indianapolis, Indiana, under the auspices of six Churches of Christ, Scientist, and published in The Marion County Mail of Indianapolis, Jan. 11, 1946.]